Synchronicity, according to Carl Jung, means 'meaningful coincidence'.
I've always thought that all coincidences are meaningful and planned, but some of them are fated ones. So let me to interpret Jung's synchronicity as fated ones -- something that would lead two elements, or individuals, to another path of life and that coincidence was already set in stone, or we can say -- it's already destined. Okay, I admit that maybe I watch too much fantasy shows about red thread of fate but there's no rule forbid an ordinary college student with average GPA to make his/her own theory and believe in it privately. If there was any rule about that, I would be in jail now.
Since today I nearly believe that the theory I believed in was real.
That Arrogant Princess. Yes, I'm talking about her. I mean--why did I met her? A girl with a high dignity, sharp tongue and short-temper. A girl who is totally not my type of interest. A girl, who coincidentally, a 180-degree-reverse of my loving, caring, and gentle Queen of Heart.
But, since Arrogant Princess is the total reverse of Queen of Heart--
--she must be someone important. I'm pretty sure she is.
( Since our fates are synchronized. )
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-- the soliloquy of the alien from Neptune--