a/n: basically this is what happen when i decided to pick 5 songs from my playlist and make them drabbles. mengambil karakter-karakter random yang saya juga gak tahu siapa. bad english yaampun sasha tidak pernah belajar ya.
btw ini dipost juga di akun facebookku.
place i'll never be; adhitia sofyan
they are two adventurers seeking for all the wonders in the world,
from the slightest one (like some random animal's den or the shape of
the dew on the leaves) until the noticeable wonders. they love to see
places they has never seen yet; they love to discover all the miracles
kept in this earth.
they marked the places which they already set foot onto on the map.
"we can go everywhere," the younger one says. "let's go until the end of the world!"
"you're saying that like it's a hell of easy task."
"well, it's easy! since i have a place i will never belong to."
"your heart?"
peter pan; exo
"you never grow up, don't you?"
she sighs heavily as she tried to remove a piece of bubblegum
stucked on her hair. he grins, mischievously, without any intention to
apologize; he seems to happy seeing she get in trouble because of the
bubblegum he stucked on her hair.
"after this, you should pay my salon fee." she hisses.
"what? no, i don't want!"
"what are you, 10?" she said as she finally able to remove the
bubblegum, and her well-styled hair becomes messy. "you did this thing,
you should take responsibility. that's what adults do. you are not a
child anymore dammit."
he smiles.
"that's why i want to stop growing up and stay as a children," he
answers, "like peterpan--no responsibility, almost-unlimited freedom,
and; hey, it's easier getting attention if you're a child!"
theater of a witch; kajiura yuki
just like every flower can bloom and wither, everyone has evil
inside of them which can be shown or kept inside. the choice is up to
the sore feet song ; ally kerr
sometimes we are doing something for someone we hold dearly.
like we can walk a thousand miles for them and even further, we hurt
our feet because of that but we will be still happy seeing our beloved
one(s) after all those efforts.
it's like love is a drive force causing us to walk.
the question is; is doing something for our beloved selfless or actually selfish?
(because, of course, deep in our heart we don't want our beloved go; we can't)
wolf bite; owl city
hi we are something that resides in every human's mind and heart and
you'll never realize our existence until you get bitten. we took form
as wolves; who reside in darkness so you cannot see us, but don't worry
we are not completely hidden. if you careful enough you will see us.
well, humans like to call us 'lie' though.
(so basically, is every human a werewolf?)
(since they lies a lot)
(wow, this is getting funny.)
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drabble dump