sometimes from other people, sometimes from their old selves, sometimes from their ideal selves.
sometimes from other people, sometimes from their old selves, sometimes from their ideal selves.
This entry was posted on 22 March 2015 and is filed under abaikan,opinion,random post. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response.
sasha. nggak pernah konsisten dalam menggunakan kata ganti orang pertama. penyuka huruf kecil dan terkadang ada perang dalam kepalanya mengenai hal-hal trivial yang kadang kesannya 'ah, ngapain juga dipikirin'. berusaha menulis lebih baik lagi. bersahabat baik dengan kopi, buku, musik, cemilan, dan kereta.