sometimes i feel like i was lot, lot more stronger when i was younger; idk, maybe somewhere before my rebelling phase.
when i was in elementary school, my family was financially unstable. there were nights when i couldn't sleep well because we couldn't afford dinner and i was very hungry, but i had to endure and i was telling myself, tomorrow, i will have a breakfast. we will buy rice from the vendor next door, and even if i have to share my portion with my sister, it will be okay, it will be enough. i borrowed money a lot from my friends to buy food at the school, couldn't afford books and uniform every semester--i went to a private school so i didn't get any book subvention. we wore old clothes and worn out shoes. i even took my brother and sister to walk almost 10 kilometers to our grandparents' house since we had no food, no money, and our parents had overtime at their respective workplaces so they didn't come home for a night.
(actually remembering this made me want to cry every time)
once i asked my parents for one thing; a computer to write my stories. i love writing, and i thought, it would be easier to have a computer since hey, i could type it and send my stories to magazines or publishers, if my stories could be published i would make money for my family! i want to help them so bad. but, they still couldn't afford it to me, but my father who had computer repairing as his side job, allowed me to use the computers he repaired before he gave them back to their owners.
back then i was so motivated and passionate, i really believed that i would make good stories that will bring us money. the computers come and go, i have to burn my file into a cd and wait until my father got a broken computer to repair again. in the meantime, i wrote my stories on a book, and my classmates were always so eager to read those. i never complained when my cd broke or missing, i re-typed my stories with patience; since i was very confident that i will make a good stories, and help my family.
i don't know what was the turning point that turned me like this--being so negative, so lazy, so unmotivated. when i was in junior high, our financial situation did get better for a while--we could even afford our own computer and a ps2. that only last for at least half a year though, before suddenly storm hit back again, so we had to sell our house and most of our belongings, including our computer. i was already on teenager age, where emotional unstability is expected, and maybe because of that, my work ethic changed. my passion was still here, but hardly motivated. i became less of a hard worker, even if i got help from my relatives who provided me with laptop and another things that would make me motivated, but the motivation lasts only for a short span of time. i slacked off. that's why sometimes i asked myself, "should i really be helped?"
remembering this made me so ashamed and .... seriously, i am so damn proud of my old self, thinking that she maybe really feel disappointed seeing me, unmotivated and procrastinate, when she herself dreamed about being a good writer, the oldest daughter that would help her family's condition. seriously, i am really ashamed. with the flow of time i was expected to be better, better, and only better, and seeing myself right now ... well, the 10-years-old me would be very disappointed.
seriously, if the time machine does exist, i want to tell her this:
i am very proud of you,
from the crybaby 20-years-old sasha.
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time travel #1